Thursday, 25 October 2012

Price elasticity of demand of cigarettes in Singapore

             Based on an internet news “tough laws do not stop rise in Singapore smokers” written by ‘Straits Times Indonesia’ at on 22 February 2011, Singapore is a developed country and its citizen’s general level of health is the best in Asia. Of cause Singapore has its own strategies to control its citizen’s lifestyle, however, not long ago there is an internet news which heading with “Tough laws don’t stop rise in Singapore smokers” this eight words. This means despite steep cigarettes price and restrictive laws were set up, but more and more people are lighting up in Singapore. A figure shows that year 2010 14.3 per cent of adults smoker there were smoking daily up from 12.6 per cent which is in year 2004, and the number that increase of daily smokers among young adults who aged 18 to 29 is even more worse, it rise up to 16.3 per cent in 2010 from 12.3 per cent in 2004 (data comes from the National Health Survey). The taxes of cigarettes raised to S$ 352 from S$ 293 in 2005 for every 1,000 of cigarettes imported, the raised of cigarettes price caused a pack of smokes to the current average of S$ 12, this made Singapore become one of the world’s most expensive places to light up  cigarettes.

               Even thought the percentage change in quantity demanded and the percentage change in price have not given in this internet news, but readers still can get the correct answer of price elasticity of demand of cigarettes in Singapore. Very obvious, the price elasticity of demand is inelastic, because even government of Singapore set the hard rules and higher tax on cigarettes, the quantity demand for cigarettes remain the same and even more and more. Why government action can’t decrease the consumption of cigarettes, elasticity can explain it. Elasticity this word in economics’ view is responsiveness, price elasticity of demand can be seen as a responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price when all other influences on buying plans remain the same. To calculate the price elasticity of demand need to use a particular formula and the formula is % change in quantity demanded divide by % change in price. To calculate the figure of % change in quantity demanded is the quantity change divide by average quantity demanded; to calculate the figure of % change in price is the price change divide by average price. Call the percentage change in the quantity demand %ΔQ and percentage change in the price %ΔP, then the formula will look like:  %ΔQ= ΔQ/Qave × 100,   %ΔP= ΔP/Pave ×100. By the way of using percentage of average price and average quantity, can get value for the elasticity regardless of the price falls or rises. Inelastic and elastic demands divide into five, which are perfectly inelastic demand, inelastic demand, unit elastic demand, perfectly elastic demand and elastic demand.

Perfectly inelastic demand

                The characteristic of perfectly inelastic demand of a good is the quantity demanded remains the same when the price change, the price elasticity of demand is zero. The characteristic of in elastic demand of a good is the percentage change in the quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in the price, the price elasticity of demand is between zero to one. The characteristic of unit elastic demand of a good is the percentage change in quantity demanded equals to the percentage change in the price, the price elasticity is one. The characteristic of perfectly elastic demand of a good is the quantity demanded changes by infinitely large percentage in response to the price change, the price elasticity of demand is infinity. The characteristic of elastic demand of a good is the percentage change in quantity demanded exceeds the percentage change in price, the price elasticity of demand is greater than one. Sum up, if the demand curve is vertical, the graph is a perfectly inelastic demand; if the demand curve is horizontal, the graph is a perfectly inelastic demand. If the price elasticity of demand of a good is zero, the good is perfectly inelastic demand. If the price elasticity of demand of good is between zero and one, the good is inelastic demand. If the price elasticity of demand of a good is one, then the good is a unit elastic demand. If the price elasticity of demand of a good is greater than one, then the good is elastic demand.

                 After knowing the price elasticity of demand, producers can easily know about the change in total revenue is increase or decrease if cut down the price of the good and it is depends to the elasticity of demand. If demand is elastic, a figure of price cut would increase the quantity sold by more than the price cut, so total revenue is increase. If demand is inelastic, a figure of price cut would increase the quantity sold by less than the price cut, therefore total revenue decrease. When the demand is unit elastic, a figure of price cut is equal to the increase of quantity sold, then the total revenue does not change. The following graph is the evidence of a cut in the price does not always means the total revenue is decrease.                            

                 When the price elasticity of demand of a good is between zero and one, the demand of the good is inelastic demand. A price cut to an inelastic demand would not increase the total revenue; on contrast a rise to the price would increase the total revenue. Demand of cigarettes is inelastic, as a result, responsiveness to the change in price is not obvious, so the government set a high tax to cigarettes is very difficult to decrease the quantity demanded of cigarettes. All in all, I don’t agree with the action of government, because government should not only increase the tax of cigarettes in order to stop their citizen to smoke, government should also do other things such as stop giving medical subsidy to smokers, and used the money that save from smokers to held some healthy campaign to avoid citizen get addicted to cigarettes. 

Written by: Hoo Kien Meng

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