Thursday, 25 October 2012

Demand of haddock and cod ‘exceed the supply of United Kingdom’s seas’

        Based on an internet news Fish demand ‘exceeds UK sea supply’” published by press association at on 21 August 2012, United Kingdom is a Kingdom which combined by England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and many subsidiary islands. Most of the land of United Kingdom surrounded by ocean and seas which are Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, North Sea, English Channel and Irish Sea. Fisheries of United Kingdom is very developed because surrounded by seas and ocean, as a result most of the British mainly eat fish. Developed of fisheries supply British with a lot of marine products, so the price of fish is cheap and this causes British willing to eat fish. Slowly, British adapt to eat fish and fish had become their important food, even became their traditional food (fish steak). In the opinion of British, haddock and cod are the most suitable ingredients to make fish steak. Therefore demand of haddock and cod had increased for several years, in order to satisfy demand of British, fisherman of United Kingdom captured a large figure of haddock and cod every day, finally this caused overfishing of haddock and cod. The resources of haddock and cod in United Kingdom’s seas has obvious decreased, however so far the resources of haddock and cod still can cope the demand of British. The decreased of cod and haddock had caused the attention of United Kingdom’s government. In order to let the next generation to have enough haddock and cod to enjoy, rules for the management of the UK’s fisheries quotas has been made and issued by the fisheries administrations in United Kingdom which is authorize by government of United Kingdom. The rule for fisheries quotas allowed the fish stocks to recover from overfishing; on contrast, it caused a shortage for haddock and cod. An internet new reported that the United Kingdom fish consumption in 2012 has already matched what their seas can supply the fish for them in this year on 20th of August. Which means, if United Kingdom only depend their own fisheries for the year without imported would cause them out of stock (haddock and cod) today (report from the New Economic Foundation (NEF) which calculated it), because the Annual fish supplies from United Kingdom’s seas can only satisfy the demand of British for 233 days. Therefore the heading of the internet new is fish demand ‘exceeds UK seas supply’.

             Even though United Kingdom is a big fishing country, but the supply of fish still cannot satisfy the demand of British, the supply of fish can only satisfy 2/3 of the internal demands. Therefore, the price of fish (haddock and cod) is getting higher and higher, it is because according to the price adjustments of market equilibrium and the phenomenon of price of fish getting higher and higher can be illustrated through the (graph 1). Assume that graph 1 is Equilibrium of haddocks.

                  Graph 1 lists the quantity demanded and quantity supplied as well as the shortage and surplus at certain price. If the price of haddock is two pounds per piece, 40 thousands of haddocks per day are demanded and 30 thousands of haddocks are supplied. There is a shortage of 10 thousands haddocks per day and the price rises. If the price is three pounds per piece, 28 thousands of haddocks per days are demanded and 42 thousands of haddocks are supplied. There is a surplus of 14 thousands of haddocks per day and the price falls. If the price is 2.4 pounds per piece, 33 thousands of haddocks per day are demanded and 33 thousand s of haddocks are supplied. There is neither shortage nor surplus and the price doesn't change. Equilibrium price is quantity demanded equal to quantity supplied, 33 thousands of haddocks per day is the equilibrium quantity.

                    Market equilibrium is the price balance the buying and selling plans, equilibrium price is the price that the quantity demanded equal to quantity supplied, equilibrium quantity is the quantity demanded and quantity supplied at the equilibrium price. Market would move toward to its equilibrium because price adjusts the buying and selling plans. When the price is below equilibrium, there is a shortage and if the price is above equilibrium, there is a surplus. When shortage happen, market pressure would make producers either raise the price or increase the output. When producers raise the price up, the price would raise to its equilibrium. The rising price can reduce the shortage because it decrease the quantity demanded and increase the quantity supplied, the price would raise until its equilibrium (no shortage and no surplus); on the other, when surplus happen, market pressure would make producers either lower the price or decrease the output. When producers lower the price, the price would fall to its equilibrium. The lowering of price can reduce the surplus because it increase the quantity demanded and decrease the quantity supplied, the price would fall until its equilibrium (no shortage and no surplus). The price adjustment is according to the law of demand and law of supply. Law of demand is the higher the price of a good, the smaller is the quantity demanded; the lower the price of a good, the greater is the quantity demanded. Law of supply is the higher the price of a good, the greater is the quantity supplied; the lower the price of a good, the smaller is the quantity supplied.

                   In order to satisfy the other 1/3 of demand, fishmonger of United Kingdom forced to import fish from outside the EU, this result some demanded of haddock and cod in United Kingdom reliant on foreign countries such as China and India, therefore one third of fish that British eat is from other countries. NEF leaders stated that UK imported 101,000 tons of cod and 60,000 tons of haddock, which worth 372 million pounds and 156 million pounds in 2010. After the fish imported to United Kingdom, the original graph (graph 2) will look like (graph 3).

The supply curve would shift rightward (from S to S1). If the supply decreased and the price remain the same, the supply curve will shift leftward.

                   I agree the United Kingdom’s government set up a rule to limit the quota of fish caught, because human can’t only eat all the specific fish that only they like, if human only eat whatever fish they like, gradually the specific fish would become fewer and fewer and in the end it would become extinct. This sense is same as people can’t kill a goose that lays golden eggs, because once the goose got killed, people would not get golden eggs anymore. As the same, if human only eat cods and haddocks, cod and haddock would become extinct, the younger generation would not have the change to try the taste of cod and haddock, and this unfair to them, so I totally agree the action of United Kingdom government. 

Written by Hoo Kien Meng

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